Updating Our Neighborhood Plan

(Last edited November 8, 2022)


The Neighborhood Plan Committee has been collecting, distilling, and interpreting neighborhood input for more than 2 years and has incorporated feedback from final surveys and emails.

A final draft will be presented to the SHA Board for approval before submission to the City for staff review. Their suggestions and edits will be incorporated into a final draft, as well as introductory and explanatory content, before another Board vote resubmits the Plan to the City Council in early 2023. It is the Board’s expectation that the results of the City’s parallel Zoning Study for East Grand Avenue will be incorporated into this final plan.

More community feedback will be open via Planning Commission and City Council processes after these chapters are submitted.

Preliminary Draft Housing Goals & Policies

Goal D16.H.1. Preserve And Enhance the Availability of Affordable Housing in The Neighborhood Through a Variety of Housing Types; District 16 Supports Living Choices for Residents of All Ages, Incomes, and Lifestyles

Policy D16.H.1.1. Identify, publicize, and encourage private and city-based programs to reduce the cost-burden for property owners who wish to preserve, maintain, and rehabilitate historic single- and multi-family homes.

Policy D16.H.1.2. Explore ways to reduce the property tax burden that often accompanies historically sensitive renovations.

Policy D15.H.1.3. Encourage multi-family housing owners to pursue energy-saving retrofits (including solar energy) even when the cost-savings may be passed along to the occupants, rather than the owner.

Policy D16.H.1.4. Support energy-efficient home improvements, especially where such improvements are sensitive to architectural/historical guidelines, where possible. Architectural/historic guidelines should not be an unreasonable barrier to energy efficiency retrofits. 

Policy D15.H.1.5. Encourage individual and larger developers to provide affordable and deeply affordable housing dispersed throughout the neighborhood.

Policy D15.H.1.6. Encourage city- and privately sponsored initiatives to make energy-saving retrofits more cost-effective for property owners.

Goal D16.H.2. Provide Increased Density Throughout the Neighborhood in an Incremental Way, through the Addition of Infill Housing Where Historic Homes Can Be Preserved

Policy D16.H.2.1. Support conversion of double lots to two single lots for the construction of additional residences. Support variances where historic homes are preserved. 

Policy D16.H.2.2. Encourage the City to change RL-R4 zoning to allow duplexes on every lot

Policy D16.H.2.3. Pursue a zoning study to look at an incremental increase in density such as upzoning single-family zoning to RT1 (duplex); upzoning RT1 to RT2 (townhouse, up to 4–6 units); or allowing RM1 zoning on less dense blocks of the neighborhood.

Policy D16.H.2.4. Support the merging of up to 3 standard-width adjacent lots to construct mid-scale (3-story, 12 or fewer units) multi-family housing.

Goal D16.H.3. Ensure the Majority of New Housing Added in District 16 Is in the Form of Additional Missing-Middle Housing Dispersed throughout the Neighborhood

Policy D16.H.3.1. Encourage a variety of 2- and 3-story missing middle housing types including but not limited to: duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, courtyard apartments, bungalow courts, and townhouses.

Policy D16.H.3.2. Encourage development of additional missing middle housing units throughout the neighborhood, especially on less-dense blocks, as opposed to being concentrated along Grand Ave. 

Policy D16.H.3.3. Preserve the existing housing stock with special commitment to the preservation of naturally occurring affordable housing throughout the neighborhood; Missing Middle multifamily apartments and condominiums increase affordable housing options in District 16. 

Goal D16.H.4. Promote And Encourage the Addition of ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units) Throughout the Neighborhood

Policy D16.H.4.1. Encourage development of ADUs that are designed for those who wish to age in place and include universal design elements, accommodations for those with mobility impairments, and proximity of caretakers. 

Policy D16.H.4.2. Expand home-owner education around zoning codes, feasibility of universal design elements, and financing resources for the construction of ADUs.

Goal D16.H.5. Encourage New Multiplex Retrofits

Policy D16.H.5.1. Support the conversion of larger, historic homes into multi-family dwellings throughout the neighborhood.

Preliminary Draft Heritage & Cultural Preservation Goals & Policies

Goal D16.HCP.1. Recognize & Preserve History and Architecture

Policy D16.HCP.1.1. Prioritize the preservation of properties and districts designated for heritage preservation from destruction or alteration that would compromise the integrity of their character-defining features.

Policy D16.HCP.1.2. Incorporate City heritage and cultural preservation goals when updating ordinances, policies, and other regulations, including the Saint Paul Administrative and Legislative Codes, and as part of planning, development, and design processes.

Policy D16.HCP.1.3. Ensure that City officials and staff at all levels have a working understanding and consider the importance of designation, preservation, and stewardship of historic and cultural resources, focusing on recognized heritage and cultural preservation principles; collaborate across departments to jointly accomplish City preservation goals.

Policy D16.HCP.1.4. Use recognized preservation standards, including the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, when City or other development’s authority action, involvement or funding is requested or required.

Policy D16.HCP.1.5. Include preservation-related funding programs as part of the resource-allocation process for funding requests.

Policy D16.HCP.1.6. When planning for preservation or renovation, consider a balance of factors that reflect the neighborhood's collective values.

Policy D16.HCP.1.6a. Consider the significance of the resource to the community.

Policy D16.HCP.1.6b. Consider the impact of a proposed development action on the character-defining features of the resource and the area context

Policy D16.HCP.1.6c. Consider the potential for displacement of area residents and businesses

Policy D16.HCP.1.6d. Consider the evolution of the neighborhood and how neighborhood change is occurring

Policy D16.HCP.1.6e. Consider the long-term benefit-cost analysis and impact

Policy D16.HCP.1.6f. Consider the appropriateness of mitigation activities should the resource be compromised or lost.

Policy D16.HCP.1.7. Preserve and enhance historic housing, encouraging the adaptive reuse of existing houses and structures from the period of historic significance.

Policy D16.HCP.1.7a. Especially encourage historically respectful renovations and additions that allow for ADA compliance.

Policy D16.HCP.1.7b. Especially encourage historically respectful renovations and additions that allow for energy-efficiency improvements.

Policy D16.HCP.1.7c. Especially encourage historically respectful renovations and additions that allow for conversions of single-family homes to higher density housing.

Policy D16.HCP.1.8. Support the preservation and rehabilitation of all historic housing types in District 16. Single family homes, duplexes, multiplexes, and commercial buildings contribute to District 16’s historic value and should be preserved when possible.

Policy D16.HCP.1.9. Provide practical support to encourage preservation.

Policy D16.HCP.1.10. Support city efforts to evaluate, maintain, renovate, and preserve City-owned eligible and potentially eligible property, such as Linwood Recreational Center and Park and Global Arts Plus School. 

Policy D16.HCP.1.11. All major redevelopment is in keeping with the historic character and scale, including amenities such as landscaping, lighting, etc. that are part of a mutually beneficial, collaborative project. Redevelopment can include modern styles or materials. 

Policy D16.HCP.1.12. Redevelopment complements the historic architectural features of nearby properties (through rhythm and scale and massing).

Policy D16.HCP.1.13. Encourage period materials in historic locations.

Goal D16.HCP.2. Establish & Broaden Awareness of Shared Historic & Cultural Resources

Policy D16.HCP.2.1. Be proactive in the identification, evaluation, survey, and designation of specific historic and cultural resources to ensure a consistent and equitable approach to preservation that is time-sensitive and responsive to community needs.

Policy D16.HCP.2.2. Develop new and expand existing historic themes and contexts to allow for the continual identification of historic and cultural resources that are more localist and historical in nature.

Policy D16.HCP.2.2a. Improve and maintain existing historic signage and communications.

Policy D16.HCP.2.2b. Encourage new historical signage and markers sponsored by the city, non-profits, or business and property owners, celebrating the history of educational and community contributions. 

Policy D16.HCP.2.2c. Encourage historic signage or communications with a focus on underrepresented groups' contributions to District 16 history, including Black, Indigenous and People of Color, and LGBTQI+ people of all socioeconomic segments, races, and genders. 

Policy D16.HCP.2.2d. Engage with those whose histories are being celebrated, ensure they are involved in creating the narrative. 

Policy D16.HCP.2.3. Support cultural events like concerts and block parties.

Policy D16.HCP.2.4. Encourage events that bring neighbors and local institutions together.

Policy D16.HCP.2.5. Specifically encourage art and events that both center and are welcoming for all races, genders, and socioeconomic segments.

Policy D16.HCP.2.6. Support neighborhood cultural events by continuing to work with Western District Police District Representative(s) who publish advice and have expertise on preventing and reducing crime.

Policy D16.HCP.2.7. Encourage and foster period and modern public art installations.

Policy D16.HCP.2.8. Consult with, include, and educate communities regarding heritage and cultural preservation activities, benefits, funding and resources.

Policy D16.HCP.2.9. Work closely with the Heritage Preservation Committee to keep up to date and knowledgeable on products and designs coming onto the market to increase energy efficiency while maintaining the historic architecture/feel of the neighborhood.

Policy D16.HCP.2.10. Publish a suggested list of products, material, services, and resources which can preserve historic features while increasing energy efficiency on the District 16 Website.

Policy D16.HCP.2.11. Publish property beautification/maintenance tips in the printed The Summit newsletter and in SHA’s social media.

Policy D16.HCP.2.12. Consider non-regulatory tools, such as a guidebook, video, and/or workshops to educate homeowners/developers about housing design that complements the neighborhood context.

Goal D16.HCP.3. Stabilize Housing for Those Living in Historic Properties

Policy D16.HCP.3.1. District 16 supports historically sensitive renovations to improve the accessibility, sustainability, and livability of historic housing and commercial properties in the neighborhood.

Policy D16.HCP.3.2. Assist residential property preservation through local tax incentives, non-profit guidance, and other mechanisms, such as RETHOS, Xcel Energy Grants, Neighborhood Star Grants. 

Goal D16.HCP.4. Explore Creative Opportunities for Enriching and Utilizing Open Spaces

Policy D16.HCP.4.1. Encourage public art and beautification, especially along Grand Avenue. 

Policy D16.HCP.4.2. Support installation of benches, landscaping, decorative waste baskets, flower boxes etc. to help preserve the mutually beneficial relationship between neighborhood housing and the Grand Avenue commercial district. Welcoming/attractive/historic main street feeling.

Policy D16.HCP.4.3. Encourage period materials, such as wrought iron, flower boxes, benches, timeline messaging, and the history of businesses throughout the neighborhood.

Goal D16.HCP.5. Support Commercial Vitality on Historic Grand Avenue

Policy D16.HCP.5.1. District 16 respects and enriches the mutually beneficial relationship between residential livability and commercial vitality.

Policy D16.HCP.5.2. Pay particular and specific attention to the connection with Grand Avenue from a cultural and historic sense of place from multiple perspectives.

Policy D16.HCP.5.3. Encourage new historical signage and markers sponsored by the city, non-profits, or business and property owners, celebrating the history of business and labor contributions. 

Policy D16.HCP.5.4. Assist commercial property preservation through local tax incentives, non-profit guidance, and other mechanisms, such as RETHOS, Xcel Energy Grants, Neighborhood Star Grants. 

Policy D16.HCP.5.5. Work with developers to find suitable uses for commercial structures of historical and aesthetic interest.

Policy D16.HCP.5.6. Encourage developers to consider walk-and-shop/nodes of interest.

Preliminary Draft Parks & Recreation Goals & Policies

Goal D16.PR.1. Establish & Broaden Awareness of Shared Community & Natural Resources

Policy D16.PR.1.1. Recruit and maintain active block leaders for every block in the district to improve and facilitate community communication; continue to identify, support, and train block leaders.

Policy D16.PR.1.2. Solicit community feedback and polls to improve park experience, with a focus on exploring gaps in accessibility for youth and underserved residents within the community.

Policy D16.PR.1.3. Support St Paul 2040 initiatives for strengthening cultural competency and demographic diversity of Parks and Recreation staff.

Policy D16.PR.1.4. Create more recycling and reuse stations throughout District 16.

Goal D16.PR.2. Explore Creative Opportunities for Enriching and Utilizing Open Spaces

Policy D16.PR.2.1. Promote the development of community accessible open space and third spaces in both neighborhood and commercial districts.

Policy D16.PR.2.2. Create more green and open spaces throughout District 16.

Policy D16.PR.2.3. Develop a District 16 map to identify areas of the neighborhood that are or are not located within a 10-minute walk from a park..

Policy D16.PR.2.4. Develop a revitalization evaluation of the Linwood Rec Center. Work with Linwood Recreation Center and staff at St. Paul Department of Parks and Recreation to develop a maintenance program and landscape design plan.

Policy D16.PR.2.5. Explore the development of a Public Greenhouse/Arboretum and/or Dog Park.

Policy D16.PR.2.6. Evaluate alternate uses of underutilized spaces including Linwood Park and other green spaces within District 16 to ensure District 16 is meeting the needs of all resident groups.

Policy D16.PR.2.7. Explore alternate winter uses for greenspaces through District 16 with a focus on Linwood Park.

Policy D16.PR.2.8. Promote more community social events and organization programming — including a tool library — through the rec center, local schools, and neighborhood block events.

Policy D16.PR.2.9. Study Linwood Park land use and maintenance plan.

Policy D16.PR.2.10. Prioritize evaluation of expanding Linwood Park trails and amenities to the east and evaluate beautification and public land use opportunities adjacent to the railroad tracks to the south of the park.

Policy D16.PR.2.11. Explore creation of parklets on Grand Avenue in the summer.

Policy D16.PR.2.12. Designate the vegetated bluff areas that buffer District 16 from I-35 and Ayd Mill Road as a Tree Preservation District, along with identifying Prairie Preservation Districts.

Policy D16.PR.2.13. Develop a District 16 Tree preservation and replacement program in conjunction with the City of St. Paul Parks & Recreation’s Forestry Department.

Policy D16.PR.2.14. Encourage more small greenspaces in commercial District and throughout the neighborhood, including alleys.

Policy D16.PR.2.15. Explore opportunities to create additional community gardens in underutilized greenspaces and within boulevards.

Policy D16.PR.2.16. Promote land use incentives to screen surface parking lots with landscaping to improve recreational walking and rolling.

Goal D16.PR.3. Improve Recreational Opportunities for Walking, Rolling, & Biking

Policy D16.PR.3.1. Address sidewalk gaps and trail connections throughout District 16.

Policy D16.PR.3.2. Address aging infrastructure on bike paths and walkways that impedes accessibility.

Policy D16.PR.3.3. Engage City on park utilization discussion to improve the accessibility & design of land around Linwood Rec Center, including creation of an accessible trail within Linwood Park for age-in-place population.

Policy D16.PR.3.4. Improve lighting in District 16 in alleys and dead-end streets with a focus on Linwood Woods and creek bed.

Policy D16.PR.3.5. Explore bike share/bicycle rental (e-bike) on Summit Avenue.

Policy D16.PR.3.6. Develop strategic connection of bikeways to connect District 16 to Mississippi River trails, including east/west and north/south connections.

Preliminary Draft Transportation Goals & Policies

Goal D16.T.1. Provide Safe, Reliable Connections for Multi-Modal Transportation

Policy D16.T.1.1. Incorporate multiple transportation modes into street design.

Policy D16.T.1.2. Design streets for slower vehicle speeds; street design slows traffic better than traffic enforcement.

Policy D16.T.1.3. Select mass transit projects that better connect residents to neighborhood nodes for leisure and errands, at traditionally off-peak hours, to respond to an increasingly virtual workforce's changing transportation needs.

Policy D16.T.1.4. Select mass transit projects that increase the transit system’s focus on providing high-quality transportation options for home services, home caregivers, seniors, youth, and others whose travel destinations are residential.

Policy D16.T.1.5. Strengthen walking, rolling, bicycle, and transit connections between neighborhood nodes to help workers connect to job centers within the city.

Policy D16.T.1.6. Strengthen transportation connections for reverse-commuting to suburban job centers to reduce the impacts of single-occupancy vehicle ownership, maintenance, and parking on the city’s light- and heavy-industrial workforce—particularly those working in growing product fulfillment industries.

Policy D16.T.1.7. Implement improved safety design standards on roadways to the primary benefit of walkers and rollers.

Policy D16.T.1.8. The St. Paul Police Department must work to counter racial bias in traffic enforcement practices. As the City seeks behavioral safety improvements—such as reducing driver impairment, inattentiveness and speed through education and enforcement—it must prioritize the safety of people of color, particularly Black men, who are disproportionately likely to be stopped for traffic violations.

Policy D16.T.1.9. Study effective traffic calming mechanisms on St. Clair Avenue to reduce vehicle speeds and traffic volume; consider reducing the speed limit to 20 mph to more safely accommodate walking, rolling, bicycling, and vehicles.

Policy D16.T.1.10. Utilize traffic-calming mechanisms to improve crossings at St. Clair Avenue’s intersection with 35E to more safely accommodate walking, rolling, bicycling, and vehicles.

Policy D16.T.1.11. Add sidewalks and improve lighting on Pleasant Avenue, which is due for a street paving project in 2025. The street is an important connection for non-motorized users that want to travel south of I-35E via Victoria St, which passes under the interstate.

Policy D16.T.1.12. Preserve current street parking while improving safety and mobility for bicyclists on those routes not delineated as Major or Minor Bikeways in the Saint Paul Bicycle Plan.

Policy D16.T.1.13. Collaborate with the Grand Avenue Business Association to encourage and enable parking validation schemes and shared-parking arrangements between businesses and institutions along the mixed-use corridor, to maximize efficiency of existing parking.

Policy D16.T.1.14. Explore funding mechanisms for adding parking signage to public rights-of-way, and encourage local business-owners to increase their efforts to educate the public about available off-street parking options.

Policy D16.T.1.15. Perform limited, safe-to-fail experiments—in collaboration with residents and businesses—that test pricing as a solution to high demand and short supply for vehicle parking as the Grand Avenue commercial corridor intensifies.

Policy D16.T.1.16. Perform a community-responsive parking study that results in clearer, more enforceable parking zones within a block of the designated Grand Avenue mixed-use corridor. 

Policy D16.T.1.17. All parking signage should be redesigned for maximum clarity and ease of use for people with disabilities—including executive-function and visual impairments—that results in clearer and fairer parking enforcement. 

Policy D16.T.1.18. Post speed limits on off-road bike trails that account for the terrain and lane widths, as modeled by Minneapolis’ Chain of Lakes system.

Policy D16.T.1.19. Regulate the testing and use of autonomous vehicle technology on urban streets citywide to ensure safety for all transportation modes.

Policy D16.T.1.20. Account for hoverboards and electric scooters (e-scooters) in policy, signage, and safety enforcement. Awareness campaigns sponsored by government and nonprofit entities are needed to supplement those of private companies.

Goal D16.T.2. Increase Bike & Bus Connectivity Within and Between Districts

Policy D16.T.2.1. Establish mini roundabouts on Griggs and Chatsworth bicycle boulevards to slow low-volume vehicle traffic.

Policy D16.T.2.2. Explore the possibility of a grade-separated bicycle facility along St. Clair Ave from Victoria Street to 35E to improve bicycle safety and better connect District 16 to the Little Bohemia Trail, the Fort Road/West 7th Neighborhood, The Mississippi River, and other points East.

Policy D16.T.2.3. Improve walking, rolling, and bicycling connectivity between Summit Avenue and Ayd Mill Road; consider a bike and pedestrian bridge that spans over Ayd Mill Road from Short Line Park to safely connect Summit Ave travelers to the Ayd Mill Road multi-use trail.

Policy D16.T.2.4. Coordinate with the city of Minneapolis and Ramsey and Hennepin Counties to Improve connectivity between District 16 and Minneapolis by extending the Minneapolis Midtown Greenway across the Mississippi River into Saint Paul and--in accordance with the Saint Paul Bike Plan--down the CP rail line to connect to the new Ayd Mill multi-use trail.

Policy D16.T.2.5. Work with the Metropolitan Council to promote bus connectivity to rapid-transit corridors to increase ridership and reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles. 

Policy D16.T.2.5a. Provide wayfinding & amenities at stops along Route 63; increase communications about its reliability and convenient connection to the A Line with current and potential users of Route 63, particularly along Grand Avenue.

Policy D16.T.2.5b. Provide wayfinding & amenities at stops along Route 65, as well as increasing communications about its reliability and convenient connection to the Green Line with current and potential users of Route 65.

Goal D16.T.3. Establish a 15-Minute Neighborhood That Focuses on Biking and Walk/Rollability to Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)

Policy D16.T.3.1. Increase local features that strengthen the 15-minute city vision, reincorporating more medical care, grocery choices, and cultural event spaces into District 16.

Policy D16.T.3.2. Increase biking, walking, and rolling access to destinations outside the neighborhood by providing more amenities and safety features that safely enable all modes of travel at key gateways.

Goal D16.T.4. Enable Incremental Growth and Strong Maintenance of Basic Infrastructure

Policy D16.T.4.1. Redesign Lexington Avenue for improved walking and rolling access, prioritizing reduced vehicle speeds, and featuring high-contrast pavement markings and rectangular rapid-flashing beacons at high-volume walk/roll crossings.

Policy D16.T.4.2. Consider a continuous bicycle route along Lexington Avenue from Saint Clair Avenue to the Mississippi River, with clearly delineated, high-visibility bike lanes and route signage to guide bicyclists, to better establish 15-minute city connectivity to the southwest portion of the City.

Policy D16.T.4.3. Redesign Pleasant Avenue for environmental sustainability, informed by an environmental study.

Policy D16.T.4.3a. Incorporate the revitalization of Pleasant Avenue's nearby natural spring.

Policy D16.T.4.3b. Incorporate erosion-control measures that shore up the Pleasant Avenue roadbed and nearby urban woods.

Policy D16.T.4.3c. Improve the walking and rolling experience with ample street lighting along Pleasant Avenue; consider a walkable connection through the nearby urban woods.

Policy D16.T.4.4. Redesign Pleasant Avenue for direct walking, rolling, & bicycle connectivity to the Ayd Mill Road multi-use trail.

Policy D16.T.4.5. Explore more interactive ways for residents and business owners to report walking and rolling hazards to the Department of Public Works. Mobile-friendly apps with photograph submission, complaint tracking, and follow-up mechanisms should be considered to improve sidewalk conditions for accessibility.

Policy D16.T.4.6. In the event Grand Avenue is subject to street redesign before the next District 16 Neighborhood Plan, prioritized sidewalk quality and amenities that improve the experience for walkers and rollers. Requested amenities for walkability and accessibility include:

Policy D16.T.4.6a. Level sidewalks.

Policy D16.T.4.6b. Increased accessibility to/from bus stops.

Policy D16.T.4.6c. Increased benches and buffers between sidewalks and streets.

Policy D16.T.4.6d. Increased bicycle and scooter parking.

Policy D16.T.4.6e. Safe and frequent sidewalk curb cuts for walking and rolling.

Policy D16.T.4.6f. Infrequent driveway curb cuts.

Policy D16.T.4.6g. Traffic calming mechanisms and crosswalk improvements.

Policy D16.T.4.6h. Raised and/or clearly marked crosswalks at every intersection.

Policy D16.T.4.6i. Maintained or increased lighting for walker/roller safety, using climate-friendly LED/solar technologies that minimize circadian impact on insect and animal life.

Policy D16.T.4.6j. A biodiverse selection of boulevard shade trees.

Policy D16.T.4.6k. Shared, stacked-function green infrastructure (SSGI) that includes screening of off-street parking lots visible from the sidewalk.

Policy D16.T.4.6l. Improved signage for parking vehicles, scooters, bicycles, and vehicles.

Policy D16.T.4.6m. Improved signage for directing walkers and rollers, displaying distance to and from major intersections in number of blocks or anticipated time to walk to destination.

Policy D16.T.4.7. Designate scooter parking areas in collaboration with scooter rental companies to ensure that scooter-parking locations are coherent with user behavior and improve access for walking and rolling.

Policy D16.T.4.8. Prioritize the bicycling mode on Major Bikeways and balance modal needs on Minor Bikeways.

Policy D16.T.4.8a. Summit Avenue Major Bikeway: Maximize bicycle accessibility and safety for all ages and skill levels on Summit Avenue.

Policy D16.T.4.8b. Grotto Street Major Bikeway: Maximize bicycle accessibility and safety for all riders on Grotto Street, by clearly establishing a bicycle boulevard that incorporates sharrows, bicycle route signage, roundabouts at key intersections, and other traffic-calming elements, with a safely marked south-end connection to St. Clair Avenue through Linwood Avenue and Avon Street.

Policy D16.T.4.8c. Chatsworth Street Minor Bikeway: Explore a bicycle lane or sharrows with signage and other Bicycle Boulevard elements on Chatsworth Street, in accordance with the Saint Paul Bike Plan, including improving its currently hazardous crossing with Summit Avenue. 

Policy D16.T.4.8d. St. Clair Avenue Minor Bikeway: Experiment with traffic-calming methods that significantly slow vehicle traffic on St. Clair Avenue, to increase safety for cycling, walking, and rolling. Consider adding bike lanes to portions of St. Clair east of Victoria Avenue to connect St Clair to the Little Bohemia Trail (a.k.a. 35E Trail) and downtown.

Policy D16.T.4.8e. Pleasant Avenue Minor Bikeway: Establish a bicycle lane and enhanced shared-lane treatments on Pleasant Avenue, Benhill Road, and Milton Street, with clear signage to create a connection to the Jefferson Bikeway via Victoria Street, in accordance with the Saint Paul Bike Plan.

Policy D16.T.4.8f. Grand Hill/Oakland Ave connection to Summit Avenue: Improve connections between the Summit Avenue Bikeway and downtown Saint Paul, not only via John Ireland Boulevard and Kellogg Avenue, but via the Grand Hill/Oakland Ave connection to Summit Ave, in accordance with the 2017 update of the Saint Paul Bike Plan, by establishing bicycle lanes on the Grand Hill portion of Grand Avenue and clear signage for the Oakland connection.

Policy D16.T.4.9. Establish more bicycle parking areas at commercial sites; consider testing bike corrals on the Grand Avenue Mixed-Use Corridor, where 1-2 vehicle parking spots could be repurposed for secure bike storage from April 15-October 15.

Policy D16.T.4.10. Work with business owners to consider block-specific branded themes that promote nearby businesses, along with strong signage along the Summit Avenue regional bike route, directing leisure bicyclists to shop at Grand Avenue.

Policy D16.T.4.11. Coordinate with the Metropolitan Council to include bike racks at bus stops for multi-modal adaptivity, so that bicyclists who use a variety of bus routes at different times can reliably plan on bike storage capacity on buses.

Policy D16.T.4.12. Work with the Metropolitan Council to increase stop frequency and reliability of District 16’s primary bus connections, the #63, #61, and #83, while promoting the gains in convenience, to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT).

Policy D16.T.4.13. Work with the Metropolitan Council to experiment with well-promoted free fare programs on targeted routes, free or reduced-cost weekend bussing options for busy commercial corridors like Grand Avenue, and free summer circulator transportation options for youth.

Policy D16.T.4.14. Work with the Metropolitan Council to add amenities like bus shelters and benches to better serve the district’s seniors and people with disabilities.

Policy D16.T.4.15. Support continued, incremental expansion of car-sharing into all areas of Saint Paul, with an emphasis on supporting equity-informed nonprofit and social-enterprise hosts.

Policy D16.T.4.16. Support continued, incremental expansion of HOURCAR’s Evie fleet into all areas of Saint Paul; continue seeking private, state, and federal grants to continually increase recruitment of multi-unit hosts of 2-way EV 2-way car-sharing vehicles.

Policy D16.T.4.17. Continue supporting the City of Saint Paul’s EV Spot Network, with further incremental growth provided by private entities once the EV market is fully established.

Policy D16.T.4.18. Explore financing programs that incentivize businesses to privately invest in streetscapes; pair with design assistance and fast-track permitting.

Policy D16.T.4.19. Support exploration of Business Improvement Districts through hosting informational sessions about the process; petition property owners to collaboratively define intended streetscape improvements from potential assessments; and work with City policymakers to pass an ordinance if businesses desire it.

Policy D16.T.4.20. Streamline processes for application, reporting, & reimbursement for streetscapes improvement funding, such as STAR grants and federal funding streams, to ease the administrative burden for business owners and residents who want to help improve streetscapes.

Policy D16.T.4.21. Coordinate with the State of Minnesota to explore road-maintenance taxation mechanisms that target e-commerce companies, scalable to the number of trips initiated and vehicle size; dedicate potential funds to regular resurfacing of commercial alleyways to encourage smaller vehicles for last-mile trips. 

Policy D16.T.4.22. Establish and maintain biodiversity in SSGIs (Shared, Stacked-function Green Infrastructure), planting a variety of native species; increasing soil health; reestablishing wetlands where appropriate; improving conditions for beneficial insects and pollinators; filtering airborne roadway pollutants, and reestablishing plant and animal biodiversity.

Policy D16.T.4.23. Invest in experiments that reestablish and prevent further deterioration of soil health on boulevards damaged by road de-icing treatments.

Policy D16.T.4.24. Perform proper snow removal and surface maintenance throughout the year on bike lanes—particularly on Major Bikeways--to offer clear streets with sufficient room for street parking and those needing to safely navigate winter biking.

Policy D16.T.4.25. Explore incentives for shared sidewalk snow removal along pedestrian thoroughfares like the Grand Avenue Mixed-Use Corridor.

Policy D16.T.4.25a. Explore leasing, storage, and equipment-maintenance agreements with property-owner and business groups for sidewalk-clearing equipment specifically for use along Mixed-Use Corridors. 

Policy D16.T.4.25b. Explore coordination with business associations citywide for favorable bulk pricing schemes for snow removal by private companies.

Policy D16.T.4.26. When considering changes to a streetscape, prioritize maintenance-first principles whenever safety and climate goals can be achieved within existing street design.

Goal D16.T.5 Sustain Quality of Life for All

Policy D16.T.5.1. Support additional research into potential land bridges across Interstate 35E at Grand Avenue and at St. Clair Avenue, while prioritizing a potential Rondo Land Bridge across Interstate 94, as part of addressing Saint Paul’s history of racism and redlining in the destruction of the historic Rondo neighborhood.

Policy D16.T.5.2. Respond to trends in delivery and curbside pickup, exploring responsive freight delivery policy solutions that account for the rise and potential right-of-way impacts of meal delivery and curbside pickup services. 

Policy D16.T.5.3. Establish a citywide working group to help develop proposals and policies to address new challenges of curbside pickup and delivery services.

Policy D16.T.5.4. Create policies that decrease weight limits and increase emissions limits for vehicles entering alleyways that share commercial and residential traffic to better maintain surface conditions, reduce high-carbon vehicles and engine idling, and improve the health of residents and workers.

Policy D16.T.5.5. Explore regulation of app-based delivery companies to minimize pollution, price-gouging, and hazardous driving impacts on the environment, local small businesses, and the community at-large.

Policy D16.T.5.6. Work with the Metropolitan Council to anonymously track high demand rideshare routes and times and use the data to adapt transit routes to better serve people's needs.

Policy D16.T.5.7. Review and update policies relating to aviation flight paths and hovering above the Governor’s Mansion; host informational and engagement sessions to explore community- and privacy-friendly regulations that decrease sensory- and climate-unfriendly practices.

Preliminary Draft Land Use Goals & Policies

Goal D16.LU1. Support Land Uses Throughout District 16 That Preserve, Enhance, and Improve Summit Hill as An Historic, Welcoming, Connected, Mixed-Use, Mixed-Density, Sustainable Neighborhood with Walkable, Pedestrian-Oriented, Human-Scale Streetscapes

Policy D16.LU.1.1.  Ensure that new developments preserve and enhance the diverse variety of housing types (single-family, duplex, townhouses, carriage house and ADUs, multifamily conversions, condominium, and apartment flats) that already exist in the District 16 neighborhood.

Policy D16.LU.1.2.  Encourage increased density developments that respect the traditional historic ‘Missing Middle’ neighborhood form and scale of District 16

Policy D16.LU.1.3.  Prioritize residential and mixed-use developments that meet the greatest housing needs identified in the Neighborhood Plan’s Housing Chapter.

Policy D16.LU.1.4.  Encourage a mix of building types, configurations, amenities, and specifications, to accommodate multiple needs, living situations, commercial requirements, and economic circumstances. Discourage consolidation in favor of varied, fine grain development.

Policy D16.LU.1.5.  Prioritize residential, commercial, and mixed-use developments along Grand Avenue that complement the existing mix of businesses and commercial character of Grand Avenue and meet identified market needs. Promote and support local business models along Grand.

Policy D16.LU.1.6.  Pursue interventions that improve the utility, safety, and aesthetic appeal of our sidewalks and streets.

Policy D16.LU.1.7.  Foster infill development that is respectful of existing neighborhood conditions and appropriately mitigates spillover effects to neighboring properties.

Goal D16.LU.2.  Encourage The Next Increment of Growth Across the Neighborhood, Ensuring That General Block Characteristics and Scale Are Defined Block-By-Block

Policy D16.LU.2.1.  Explore opportunities to increase density levels within the historic missing middle scale, such as allowing duplex housing throughout District 16.

Policy D16.LU.2.2.  Direct growth to areas and blocks with the greatest capacity to accommodate additional people and infrastructure.

Policy D16.LU.2.3.  Develop and adopt district-specific design guidelines that preserve and enhance the existing character of District 16. 

Policy D16.LU.2.4.  Discourage the consolidation of existing smaller commercial lots for the purposes of enabling single-ownership developments of large intensity or scale.

Policy D16.LU.2.5.  Encourage commercial, residential, and mixed-use infill development along Grand Avenue that will connect and support Grand Avenue businesses, align with Grand’s development as a linear mixed-use corridor, and enhance its walkability as our neighborhood Main Street.

Goal D16.LU.3.  Foster Infill Development That Is Respectful of Existing Neighborhood Conditions and Appropriately Mitigates Spillover Effects to Neighboring Properties

Policy D16.LU.3.1 Support developments that give careful consideration to pedestrian and vehicular access, and that have specific measures in place to account for the journeys their developments generate.

Policy D16.LU.3.2 Support developments that give careful consideration to scale, setbacks, site coverage, and other aspects of site planning to limit negative spillovers to adjacent properties.

Policy D16.LU.3.3 Explore methods to prevent local business displacement due to high rents.

Goal D16.LU.4.  Support Temporary and Seasonal Street Activations Along Grand Avenue and Residential Streets

Policy D16.LU.4.1 Encourage the City to create an application process for the seasonal reallocation of existing on-street parking spaces to allow for parklets and outdoor seating, bike, and scooter parking etc.

Policy D16.LU.4.2 Permit temporary, short term street closures for community events such a weekend closure for a farmers’ markets. 

Policy D16.LU.4.3 Encourage small-scale community events such as porch concerts and block parties.

Goal D16.LU.5.  Create and maintain guidance and processes that facilitate community-driven development within District 16

Policy D16.LU.5.1 Proactively engage with developers, businesses, institutions and neighboring residents around common conflicts such as noise, parking, and traffic congestion to facilitate conversation and reach compromise.

Policy D16.LU.5.2 Encourage economic development that reflects and balances diversity in land uses, cultural backgrounds, and income levels in District 16 and Saint Paul.

Policy D16.LU.5.3 Support District 16's role in designing and adopting a community development scorecard and process to guide development projects within District 16.

Policy D16.LU.5.4 Work to ensure that zoning and variance statutes and procedures are followed and that citizen input is strongly considered in decision making.

Goal D16.LU.6.  Preserve Existing Park and Open Spaces and Promote Creative Solutions to Expand Community Park and Open Spaces

Policy D16.LU.6.1 Encourage new developments to include privately owned public space (POPS). Proactively identify, support, improve, create, and maintain privately owned public spaces within the existing built environment.

Policy D16.LU.6.2 Expand and enhance pedestrian experience and sidewalks as a primary public space. Accommodate pedestrian-centric uses by allocating more of the right-of-way to pedestrians, such as opportunities to widen sidewalks, create safer street crossings, and add traffic calming.

Policy D16.LU.6.3 Experiment with strategies that alter the configuration of the right-of-way or other public infrastructure to improve the pedestrian experience, such as using striping, movable planters, temporary signage etc.

Goal D16.LU.7.  Improve Parking Utilization to Better Serve District 16 Businesses and Residents, Especially Parking Near Grand Avenue

Policy D16.LU.7.1 Work with stakeholders and develop parameters to optimize strategies for shared parking.

Policy D16.LU.7.2 Prioritize limited, context-specific parking strategies, such as short turnover (15-30 minute) on-street commercial parking adjacent to high turnover businesses. Encourage the City to create an application process for dedicated on-street drive-up spots to accommodate emerging hybrid e-commerce with brick and mortar storefronts, such as BOPIS (buy online pick up in store) shoppers and sidewalk pickup windows. 

Policy D16.LU.7.3 Prioritize and promote the use of mid-distance parking locations for longer term walk and shop, walk and dine, as well as employee parking.

Policy D16.LU.7.4 Facilitate shared parking agreements and other arrangements that increase utilization of existing parking capacity, particularly in larger surface lots and parking ramps. 

Policy D16.LU.7.5 Advocate for enforcement of parking regulations, including timed parking limits along Grand and enforcement within Residential Parking Permit Area 9.

Policy D16.LU.7.6 Advocate for less confusing parking signage, especially for Area 9 Residential Parking Permit.

Goal D16.LU.8.  Encourage Ideas and Design Elements That Support Grand Avenue As an Attractive, Walkable, Welcoming Main Street Destination for District 16, St Paul, And the Wider Community

Policy D16.LU.8.1 Support design elements that enhance the sidewalk and street experience, such as street trees, lighting, landscaping, benches, planters, trash and recycling, public art, etc.

Policy D16.LU.8.2 Utilize street-design techniques that calm traffic and enhance the safety of all road users. Support traffic calming efforts that slow traffic along Grand Avenue, such as narrower driving lanes.

Policy D16.LU.8.3 Support techniques that discourage cut-through traffic, such as traffic diversions and limited length one-way residential streets.

Policy D16.LU. 8.4 Support safer crossings with context-specific techniques such as mid-block and raised crosswalks.

Policy D16.LU. 8.5 Incorporate on-street informational signage for improved wayfinding, such as signage to direct visitors to available parking, commercial areas, and individual attractions. Explore opportunities for smart signage with real time data.

Policy D16.LU. 8.6 Support the Grand Avenue Special Sign District, while remaining open to opportunities for modifications that provide greater flexibility to businesses while preserving neighborhood character.

Goal D16.LU.9.  Prioritize Active, Pedestrian-Oriented Uses Along Grand Avenue Primary Building Frontages to Support Neighborhood-Wide Walkability

Policy D16.LU.9.1 Encourage active street frontages through traditional neighborhood design guidelines for parking that locate parking in the rear of lots and discourage new street-facing surface parking and driving lanes along primary frontages. Support visual screening of parking areas from the street, such as in Policy D16.LU.8.1., with landscaping, fencing, public art, or other active, attractive, human-scale features.

Policy D16.LU.9.2 Support an active, walkable sidewalk realm by limiting new and consolidating existing curb cuts on Grand Avenue primary frontages.

Policy D16.LU.9.3 Support existing drive-thru restrictions on Grand Avenue and advocate for the City of St Paul to re-evaluate and further limit drive-thrus.

Policy D16.LU.9.4 Encourage efforts to improve Grand Avenue shared alleys with Summit and Lincoln, such as traffic calming, volunteer litter clean ups, and beautification efforts.

Policy D16.LU.9.5 Encourage multiple, smaller storefronts/commercial spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings and developments, with entrances directly accessible from the street.

Policy D16.LU.9.6 Encourage active uses at street level in residential buildings and developments, such as lobbies, individual entrances (porches and stoops), resident gyms and common rooms at street level.

Goal D16.LU.10.  Encourage And Support Innovative Business Models That Are Responsive to Changes in Consumer Shopping Patterns; Encourage and Support Small & Local Businesses and Sustainable, Community-Owned Commerce

Policy D16.LU.10.1 Promote the recruitment and retention of a diverse array of small, locally owned businesses that provide a variety of goods and services and serve a range of income levels.

Policy D16.LU.10.2 Explore measures to fill empty retail space. Encourage the short-term use of vacant commercial space for temporary and pop-up stores, such as co-located or collective retail spaces, food trucks, experiential and event-driven retail. Advocate for regulatory changes to incentivize leasing spaces, such as financial incentive or disincentives. 

Policy D16.LU.10.3 Explore creative strategies to sensitively integrate internet and app-based commerce into existing commercial areas and spaces.

Policy D16.LU.10.4 Encourage and support sustainable, community-driven ownership models for commercial and residential developments, such as worker cooperatives and Community Land Trusts.

Policy D16.LU.10.5 Encourage and remove barriers to public arts amenities. Explore funding opportunities and regulatory changes that would create community-focused spaces within the neighborhood for arts or other non-profit uses.

Policy D16.LU.10.6 Promote the recruitment and retention of a diverse array of businesses that provide living wage employment.

Policy D16.LU.10.7 Explore methods to prevent local business displacement due to high rents.

Goal D16.LU.11.  Encourage Zoning Rules That Reflect Grand Avenue as a Neighborhood Mixed Use Corridor, with a Balance of Retail and Service-Oriented Establishments, Providing a Variety of Goods and Resources in Close Proximity, That Are Able to Meet the Daily Needs of District 16 Residents

Policy D16.LU.11.1 Support neighborhood focus for commercial uses on Grand Avenue. 

Policy D16.LU.11.2 Support continuance of BC zoning and existing BC zoned parcels; BC zoning—Community Business (“businesses in houses”)—has provided affordable commercial and housing options, especially in establishing a foothold for local businesses. 

Policy D16.LU.11.3 Support Community zoning districts on Grand Avenue. Discourage General zoning districts, such as B3.

Policy D16.LU.11.4 Support the continued application of Traditional Neighborhood zoning design guidelines on Grand Avenue. 

Policy D16.LU.11.5 Encourage the location of more intensive infill development at intersections, especially at corner locations that promote or create mutually supportive concentrations of activity.

Policy D16.LU.11.6 Work with District Council, the City of Saint Paul’s Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED), neighbors, and other key stakeholders to determine priorities for the future of Grand Avenue through a zoning study process that evaluates and recommends updates to the East Grand Avenue Overlay District.